Americans are Looking to Employers for Financial Wellness Benefits

A 公布的调查 by NAPFA found that nearly seven in 10 Millennials and Generation Z Americans say that stress surrounding their personal finances has negatively affected their productivity at work. Eighty-seven percent of working Americans reported feeling stressed about their finances, and nearly one-third (32%) reported spending half an hour or more a workday thinking about their finances.

Survey data also found that nearly four in five (79%) working Americans believe employers should be more aware of their employees’ financial struggles. Almost seven in 10 (69%) respondents said they would perform better at work if their employer offered more financial wellness benefits, 超过五分之四(81%)的千禧一代对此表示赞同.

除了工作场所的经济压力, the survey revealed that Americans across generations are questioning their financial future. Nearly three in five (58%) working adults have contributed less money toward retirement due to inflation, and close to half (49%) of respondents felt they could not retire comfortably on their employer-sponsored retirement plan alone.

这项调查是由Atomik Research在网上开展的,005 working adults under the age of 65 in the United States. The fieldwork for the online survey took place between September 16 and 28, 2022.





A: During difficult economic conditions, it is important to have good financial habits. Habits like limiting your spending and increasing your savings can help ensure you will be successful. There is no question that when the cost of everyday living goes up, 为退休储蓄越来越难. If cutting back on saving is necessary, assess which accounts should be a priority. 例如, giving up your employer's 401(k) match to save in an unmatched account such as a Roth IRA is likely unwise and not providing you with the best bang for your buck.


A:对于那些刚开始的人, the robo-advisor tech solutions can be incredibly helpful in reducing barriers to entry and simplifying the process. 也, if your company offers a company-sponsored plan and offers matching contributions, make at least the minimum contribution to get the company match - this is the free money. 如果你有能力贡献更多,那就去做吧. Starting as soon as possible provides a longer time horizon for your money to compound.


A: An individual must have a plan; if not, saving likely won’t happen. There should be a balance between saving for tomorrow and living for today. There are so many tools to save for retirement that identifying the best way will depend on your personal situation. 话虽如此, there is usually a list of low-hanging fruit to look for – Employer-matched 401(k), 低税年份的罗斯个人退休账户, triple-tax-free HSA for those with high-deductible healthcare plans (yes, as part of retirement planning) and employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) discounts. Just be very cautious of recommendations to buy life insurance for retirement savings; rarely do consumers end up ahead in that arrangement.

Q: What can individuals do to save for retirement who may have started late?

A:优先考虑你的储蓄目标. Do an assessment of your current assets at the beginning of the year and then make a plan as to how much you can save each month. 然后至少每季度回顾一次,看看你是否达到了目标. 如果没有,评估一下为什么没有,然后回到正轨. 也, building passive or part-time income sources can be surprisingly powerful. 例如, 一个能够可靠地产生20美元的人,000 per year in passive or part-time income during their retirement years needs nearly $300,他们退休时的投资组合少了1万美元.


A: There are several helpful search tools available today, such as NAPFA’s 寻找顾问 platform. 当你开始搜索, look for a Fee-Only financial advisor who is a fiduciary and someone with whom you can establish a connection.


  • Learn about the background of the advisor and the services that are offered. 这些是你想要的服务吗?
  • Look for indicators that show an advisor is committed to financial education and expertise, such as through the Certified Financial Planner CFP® certification and involvement in reputable professional organizations that require strict continuous learning and ethical standards like the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors.


  • Ask questions and look for an advisor who wants to partner with you to understand your situation. 通过了解你独特的目标和挑战, a specialized planner is better able to help provide personalized guidance than a generalist.

Q: How can my company work with a financial planner to offer financial wellness benefits?

答:首先, a company needs to begin by understanding the financial needs and challenges of its workforce. 一旦确定了这一点, the company should engage a Fee-Only fiduciary planner who provides unbiased advice that is in the employee’s best interest. The planner should be an educator who answers employees’ questions about finances to reduce financial stress. Financial wellness is an imperative part of overall well-being, 就像身心健康一样, so selecting the right planner can be a huge benefit for any company’s workforce.

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